United States
Title | Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed |
Experience | Some previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is usually needed. For example, a teller would benefit from experience working directly with the public. |
Education | These occupations usually require a high school diploma. |
Job Training | Employees in these occupations need anywhere from a few months to one year of working with experienced employees. A recognized apprenticeship program may be associated with these occupations. |
Examples | These occupations often involve using your knowledge and skills to help others. Examples include sheet metal workers, forest fire fighters, customer service representatives, physical therapist aides, salespersons (retail), and tellers. |
SVP Range | (4.0 to 6.0) |
- Majority (55.08) percent of respondents had : High School Diploma (or GED or High School Equivalence Certificate)
- Some (36.95) percent of respondents had :Less than a High School Diploma
- Some (3.86) percent of respondents had :First Professional Degree - awarded for completion of a program that: requires at least 2 years of college work before entrance into the program, includes a total of at least 6 academic years of work to complete, and provides all remaining academic requirements to begin practice in a profession
Interest Code : R
- Realistic-Realistic occupations frequently involve work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.
- Static Strength-The ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull, or carry objects.
- Trunk Strength-The ability to use your abdominal and lower back muscles to support part of the body repeatedly or continuously over time without 'giving out' or fatiguing.
- Arm-Hand Steadiness-The ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position.
- Manual Dexterity-The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects.
- Multilimb Coordination-The ability to coordinate two or more limbs (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down. It does not involve performing the activities while the whole body is in motion.
- Dynamic Strength-The ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over time. This involves muscular endurance and resistance to muscle fatigue.
- Dependability-Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.
- Attention to Detail-Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.
- Integrity-Job requires being honest and ethical.
- Cooperation-Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude.
- Independence-Job requires developing one's own ways of doing things, guiding oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done.
- Adaptability/Flexibility-Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace.
Top 3 Values
- Support-Occupations that satisfy this work value offer supportive management that stands behind employees. Corresponding needs are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical.
- Achievement-Occupations that satisfy this work value are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest abilities, giving them a feeling of accomplishment. Corresponding needs are Ability Utilization and Achievement.
- Relationships-Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive environment. Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.
- Coordination-Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
- Critical Thinking-Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
- Monitoring-Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
- Social Perceptiveness-Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.
- Active Listening-Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
- Speaking-Talking to others to convey information effectively.
- Production and Processing-Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.
- Administration and Management-Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
- Food Production-Knowledge of techniques and equipment for planting, growing, and harvesting food products (both plant and animal) for consumption, including storage/handling techniques.
- Customer and Personal Service-Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
- Biology-Knowledge of plant and animal organisms, their tissues, cells, functions, interdependencies, and interactions with each other and the environment.
- Transportation-Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits.
- Plant, spray, weed, fertilize, and water plants, shrubs, and trees, using hand tools and gardening tools.
- Sell and deliver plants and flowers to customers.
- Sow grass seed, or plant plugs of grass.
- Harvest plants, and transplant or pot and label them.
- Regulate greenhouse conditions, and indoor and outdoor irrigation systems.
- Dip cut flowers into disinfectant, count them into bunches, and place them in boxes to prepare them for storage and shipping.
- Cut, roll, and stack sod.
- Feel plants' leaves and note their coloring to detect the presence of insects or disease.
- Provide information and advice to the public regarding the selection, purchase, and care of products.
- Maintain and repair irrigation and climate control systems.
- Handling and Moving Objects-Using hands and arms in handling, installing, positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things.
- Performing General Physical Activities-Performing physical activities that require considerable use of your arms and legs and moving your whole body, such as climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, and handling of materials.
- Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates-Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
- Getting Information-Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
- Performing for or Working Directly with the Public-Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests.
- Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events-Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.
- Spend Time Standing-Mostly this job requires standing
- Face-to-Face Discussions-Mostly you have to have face-to-face discussions with individuals or teams in this job?
- Exposed to Contaminants-Mostly this job require working exposed to contaminants (such as pollutants, gases, dust or odors)
- Outdoors, Exposed to Weather-Mostly this job require working outdoors, exposed to all weather conditions
- Physical Proximity-Mostly this job require the worker to perform job tasks in close physical proximity to other people
- Spend Time Using Your Hands to Handle, Control, or Feel Objects, Tools, or Controls-Mostly this job requires using your hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools or controls
- Spend Time Making Repetitive Motions-Mostly this job require making repetitive motions
- Contact With Others-This job require the worker to be in contact with others (face-to-face, by telephone, or otherwise) in order to perform it?
- Electronic mail software e.g. IBM Lotus Notes
- Spreadsheet software e.g. Microsoft Excel
- Word processing software e.g. Microsoft Word
- Adjustable wrenches e.g.Adjustable hand wrenches
- Air compressors
- Secateurs or pruning shears e.g.Anvil pruners
- Saws e.g.Arborist saws
- Battery chargers e.g.Battery booster cables
- Battery testers e.g.Battery power testers
- Agricultural rollers e.g.Bed formers
- Agricultural rollers e.g.Bed rollers
- Utility knives e.g.Bench grafting knives
- Saws e.g.Bow saws
Job Family
Sub Family
Agriculture Forestry Fishing and Hunting (85%)
For more details on industries and there classification, refer here
For more details on industries and there classification, refer here