United States

Bright Outlook

Automation Impact
Salary Level
Title | Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed |
Experience | Some previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is usually needed. For example, a teller would benefit from experience working directly with the public. |
Education | These occupations usually require a high school diploma. |
Job Training | Employees in these occupations need anywhere from a few months to one year of working with experienced employees. A recognized apprenticeship program may be associated with these occupations. |
Examples | These occupations often involve using your knowledge and skills to help others. Examples include sheet metal workers, forest fire fighters, customer service representatives, physical therapist aides, salespersons (retail), and tellers. |
SVP Range | (4.0 to 6.0) |
- Majority (62.5) percent of respondents had : High School Diploma (or GED or High School Equivalence Certificate)
- Some (20.83) percent of respondents had :Post-Secondary Certificate - awarded for training completed after high school (for example, in Personnel Services, Engineering-related Technologies, Vocational Home Economics, Construction Trades, Mechanics and Repairers, Precision Production Trades)
- Some (8.33) percent of respondents had :Some College Courses
Interest Code : RIC
- Realistic-Realistic occupations frequently involve work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.
- Investigative-Investigative occupations frequently involve working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking. These occupations can involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
- Conventional-Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.
- Problem Sensitivity-The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.
- Manual Dexterity-The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects.
- Near Vision-The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).
- Oral Comprehension-The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
- Deductive Reasoning-The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.
- Inductive Reasoning-The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events).
- Attention to Detail-Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.
- Dependability-Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.
- Integrity-Job requires being honest and ethical.
- Self Control-Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations.
- Stress Tolerance-Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations.
- Adaptability/Flexibility-Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace.
Top 3 Values
- Support-Occupations that satisfy this work value offer supportive management that stands behind employees. Corresponding needs are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical.
- Independence-Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to work on their own and make decisions. Corresponding needs are Creativity, Responsibility and Autonomy.
- Achievement-Occupations that satisfy this work value are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest abilities, giving them a feeling of accomplishment. Corresponding needs are Ability Utilization and Achievement.
- Active Listening-Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
- Monitoring-Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
- Critical Thinking-Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
- Judgment and Decision Making-Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
- Operation Monitoring-Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
- Operation and Control-Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
- Public Safety and Security-Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions.
- Law and Government-Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process.
- Mathematics-Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.
- Engineering and Technology-Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services.
- Administration and Management-Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
- Customer and Personal Service-Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
- Examine blast areas to determine amounts and kinds of explosive charges needed and to ensure that safety laws are observed.
- Tie specified lengths of delaying fuses into patterns in order to time sequences of explosions.
- Place safety cones around blast areas to alert other workers of danger zones, and signal workers as necessary to ensure that they clear blast sites prior to explosions.
- Place explosive charges in holes or other spots; then detonate explosives to demolish structures or to loosen, remove, or displace earth, rock, or other materials.
- Insert, pack, and pour explosives, such as dynamite, ammonium nitrate, black powder, or slurries into blast holes; then shovel drill cuttings, admit water into boreholes, and tamp material to compact charges.
- Mark patterns, locations, and depths of charge holes for drilling, and issue drilling instructions.
- Compile and keep gun and explosives records in compliance with local and federal laws.
- Measure depths of drilled blast holes, using weighted tape measures.
- Connect electrical wire to primers, and cover charges or fill blast holes with clay, drill chips, sand, or other material.
- Lay primacord between rows of charged blast holes, and tie cord into main lines to form blast patterns.
- Making Decisions and Solving Problems-Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
- Getting Information-Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
- Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards-Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
- Documenting/Recording Information-Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form.
- Performing General Physical Activities-Performing physical activities that require considerable use of your arms and legs and moving your whole body, such as climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, and handling of materials.
- Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material-Inspecting equipment, structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or defects.
- Wear Common Protective or Safety Equipment such as Safety Shoes, Glasses, Gloves, Hearing Protection, Hard Hats, or Life Jackets-Requires wearing common protective or safety equipment such as safety shoes, glasses, gloves, hard hats or life jackets
- Outdoors, Exposed to Weather-Mostly this job require working outdoors, exposed to all weather conditions
- Exposed to Hazardous Conditions-Mostly this job require exposure to hazardous conditions
- Face-to-Face Discussions-Mostly you have to have face-to-face discussions with individuals or teams in this job?
- Responsible for Others' Health and Safety-Responsibility is there for the health and safety of others in this job
- Telephone-Mostly you have telephone conversations in this job
- Spend Time Using Your Hands to Handle, Control, or Feel Objects, Tools, or Controls-Mostly this job requires using your hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools or controls
- Importance of Being Exact or Accurate-Required to be very exact or highly accurate in performing this job
- Computer aided design CAD software e.g. Autodesk AutoCAD
- Analytical or scientific software e.g. Blaster's Tool and Supply Company Blaster's Calculator
- Map creation software e.g. ESRI ArcGIS software
- Mobile location based services software e.g. Global Positioning System GPS software
- Spreadsheet software e.g. Microsoft Excel
- Office suite software e.g. Microsoft Office
- Presentation software e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint
- Word processing software e.g. Microsoft Word
- Ammonium nitrate and fuel oil ANFO loading machinery e.g.Ammonium nitrate fuel oil ANFO loaders
- Compressed air gun e.g.Avalaunchers
- Mechanical balances e.g.Balance scales
- Blaster tools e.g.Blast hole tubing
- Core drills e.g.Blasthole drills
- Wire lug crimping tool e.g.Blasting cap crimpers
- Detonator box e.g.Blasting machines
- Remote reading thermometers e.g.Bore hole thermometers
- Clinometers
- Protective gloves e.g.Coated gloves
Job Family
Sub Family
Mining Quarrying and Oil and Gas Extraction (32%)
Government (29%)
Self-Employed (11%)
Construction (10%)
For more details on industries and there classification, refer here
Government (29%)
Self-Employed (11%)
Construction (10%)
For more details on industries and there classification, refer here