Explore Career Paths

Provided below is the career paths and clusters exploration model for early stage career decision makers (school students).

Career Paths are broad level categories of occupations based on nature of work. Each Career Path contains one or more Career Clusters, which are further divided into Career Pathways. In this way all the careers in the world of work can be categorized into logical divisions and explored with ease. With only a small number of career paths and clusters to explore our tasks become easier as we can now know the entire world of work broadly and can also decide methodically the ones we are interested in.

1. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
1. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
2. Architecture & Construction
3. Manufacturing
4. Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

Explore Career Paths
1. Health Science
1. Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
1. Human Services
2. Education & Training
3. Government & Public Administration
4. Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
5. Hospitality & Tourism
1. Information Technology
2. Marketing, Sales & Service
3. Business Management & Administration
4. Finance

Nature Path- Natural Resources & Agriculture

Explore Nature Career Path

This path includes a range of careers involved in the development of natural resources, agriculture and production of food, commodity production, horticulture and landscaping and other environmental services. This includes production and distribution of oil, energy and other resources, animal and wood products, food and agricultural products etc.

Careers in the Nature Path are distinctive in that they require the ability to work outdoors under physically demanding weather conditions in potentially isolated locations. People in these careers generally work in forests, woods, oil rigs, mining sites, agricultural farms, nurseries, hatcheries, fisheries and on rivers, oceans etc.

Building Path – Industrial & Engineering Technology

Explore Building Career Path

Careers in Industrial and Engineering Technology are involved in the designing, development, installation and maintenance of physical systems of manufacturing. In other words, all occupations that help build and fix things. This may include architecture and construction industry, electronics, manufacturing technology, production and repairs, engineering technology and related fields, transportation etc.

This path is ideal for people who’re good with their hands and enjoy working with mechanics or technology. Ideally, they should have a logical and practical bent of mind, with a strong interest in science and how things work.

Business Path – Business Management & Technology

Explore Business Career Path

Occupations in Business Path include those which involve running and efficiently managing of enterprises involved in commercial activities. These include functions like Marketing, Sales, Finance and Information Technology.

The path is suitable for people who are good at networking, leadership or have specialized skills and enterprises. There are a gamut of career which are available in business as well as Information Technology. Especially in the world where use of computers in all fields is present IT area offers several new and emerging occupations.

Creative Path- Arts & Communications

Explore Creative Career Path

As the name suggests, careers in Arts and communication have one thing in common, creativity! This path includes careers which permit creative and imaginative thinkers to express themselves through various forms of designs, language and literature, and all forms of media. It includes a multiple fields such as journalism, advertising, film, TV, radio and digital media, public relations, designing including fashion, interior and graphics, fine arts, literary and performance arts etc.

Helping Path- Human Services

Explore Helping Career Path

Human services is a broad umbrella of occupations, covering elements of education, psychology, justice studies, hospitality and other services etc. This path, which we call the Helping Path, focuses on preventing, and remedying problems and enhancing the quality of life for people.

Working in this path requires a great level of compassion, patience and amiability. Added to that, it requires good communication, problem solving and time management skills to be able to successfully function in the area of human services.

Health Path- Health Services

Explore Health Career Path

Health services are provided by medical professionals and organizations, and health care workers to patients, families and communities. These include a range of services, from prevention and remediation of physical and mental illnesses, diseases and injuries, emergency care, diagnostic and laboratory services, nutritional guidance, rehabilitation therapy and long term home care. In short, the health services path is committed to providing health care services to those who need them. The impact of technology has also led to new fields opening up in this area.

Clusters in this Path

Health Science

How to decide between career paths ?

The Tucareers career tests , provide fitment of students across career paths, clusters, pathways and occupations. The multiple levels of evaluation helps students at different levels of career decision readiness and also provides a methodical way to understand the world of work. Take one of our career test and get started with your career exploration !!