
ANZSCO code: 
Job Description: 

Monitors, measures, analyses and describes the earth?s surface and groundwater resources and many aspects of the water cycle, including human use of water resources.

  • conducting preliminary surveys of mineral, petroleum and natural gas deposits with prospectors, Mining Engineers, Metallurgists, and other mineral scientists and engineers
  • preparing and supervising the production of laboratory reports and scientific papers
  • conducting studies of the structure, nature and formation of the earth's crust and the minerals contained in it
  • studying and dating fossils and rock strata to develop knowledge of the evolution and biology of life forms, and to assess their commercial applications
  • studying the effects of natural events, such as erosion, sedimentation, earthquakes and volcanic activity, on the formation of the earth's surface and sea beds
  • carrying out exploration to determine the resources present by sampling, examining and analysing geological specimens, rock cores, cuttings and samples using optical, chemical, electronic and mechanical techniques
  • conducting surveys of variations in the earth's gravitational and magnetic fields to determine its physical features
  • investigating the propagation of seismic waves to determine the structure and stability of the earth's mantle and crust
  • studying the causes of earthquakes and other stress states of the earth's crust
  • performing laboratory and field studies, and aerial, ground and drill hole surveys
Job Group: 



In Australia and New Zealand:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Reference Australian Bureau of Statistics
1220.0 - ANZSCO -- Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.243