
Sheet Metal Worker

Metal Worker

Minimum 10thstandard

Certified training for Sheet Metal Worker-Hand Tool and Manually Operated Machines (programme aligned to CSC/ Q 0301 released by Capital Goods Skill Council)

No previous experience required

The tasks a Sheet Metal Worker-Hand Tool and Manually Operated Machines is expected to perform include:

Performing basic sheet metal (up to and including 3 mm) cutting, forming and assembly operations using

Using appropriate tools and equipment to mark out the material for a range of features to be produced

Using hand tools, portable power tools and simple machines to produce a variety of shapes, profiles and forms

Producing simple sheet metal assemblies, using self-secured joints, thermal methods or mechanical fastening devices

Inspecting the components after polishing operations and correcting faults

Complying with the health and safety regulations

Knowledge of specific safe working practices, sheet metal cutting, forming and assembly procedures and environmental regulations that must be observed

Knowledge of specific safe working practices, sheet metal cutting, forming and assembly procedures and environmental regulations that must be observed

Aware of hazards associated with carrying out the sheet metal cutting, forming and assembly operations and how can they be minimized

bilty to take action in case of emergencies

Ability to ensure that the necessary job instructions, operating procedures and sheet metal cutting, forming and assembly specifications are available

Well versed with tools and equipment used for the sheet metal cutting, forming and assembly operations undertaken, and how to check that they are in a safe

and usable condition

Skilled in selecting and establishing a suitable datum while marking out

Proficient in ensuring that marking out is undertaken from the selected datum and the possible effects of working from a different datum

Proficient in methods of marking out cutting guidelines for square and rectangular profiles, circular and radial profiles, angles and hole positions

Knowledge of ways of laying out the marking-out shapes or patterns to optimize use of materials

Skilled in cutting and forming sheet metal using hand tools and manually operated machines

Experienced in various forming operations that can be carried out

Aware of various methods of securing the assembled components

Understanding of importance of using tools or equipment only for the purpose intended

Well versed with the care that is required when using the tools or equipment

Knowledge of problems that can occur in the sheet metal cutting, forming and assembly operation, how to identify them and whom to report them

Knowledge of importance of reporting problems in a timely manner

Ability to check the quality of the shaped components against the required quality standards

Knowledge of various sheet metal materials

Ability to identify materials by their physical properties

Aware of physical and mechanical properties of materials

Knowledge of importance of tools and equipment being kept in a safe and usable condition

Knowledge of importance of shutting down the machine and keeping it in secure mode

Aware of personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing that must be worn during the sheet metal cutting activity and from where can it be obtained

Not applicable

Basic communication, numerical and computational abilities

Openness to learning

Self-management skills

Problem solving skills

Enterprising skills

Efficiency and effectiveness in work

Creative skills

Critical thinking skills

Team spirit

It is not a desk job

Need not handle a team

ravelling is not required

Part-time work and contractual jobs are available

Work from home option is not available

Working hours

Working hours are 8/9 hours everyday for 6 days a week. This may vary from company to company

Shift system maybe applicable

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needsMaybe

This job maybe considered hazardous or dangerous under the Factories Act, 1948 (section 87)

Occupational hazards include injuries, accidents, exposure to toxic material, fire etc.

For freshers - INR15,000 to INR17,000 per month For candidates with 2-3 years of experience or more- INR 40,000 to INR42,000 per month(These figures are indicative and subject to change)


It has been estimated that India's capital goods market can grow from $71.7 billion in 2011-12 to $153.3 billion by 2016-17, a compounded annual growth rate of 16%. Also, capital goods, infrastructure and power companies are likely to benefit from policies that the new government (after the 2014 general elections) pursues to increase economic growth. Also, the sector will gain from the special economic zones the government has sanctioned for the industry.

India's share of global capital goods exports is low (0.1-0.6%). There is a huge potential for growth here. Infrastructure and capital goods indices as well as select stocks have rallied sharply of late, partly on expectations that with the NDA government at the Centre we will see big reforms and changes in the capital expenditure cycle over the next 12-18 months.

Report of the Working Group on Capital Goods & Engineering Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan


The industry growth during 11th Plan stood is at 14%. The turnover during 2010-11 was Rs 2,67,944 crore. There is a need for rapid growth of the sector, for which it is proposed to initiate some national programmes. These in turn will create additional demand. It is also proposed to take steps to substitute imports by domestic production. This is expected to take the sector to Rs 6,81,000 crores in 2016-17 at a CAGR of 16.8%. The current employment of 1.4 million is proposed to be boosted through a series of recommendations to reach 2.8 million by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan.


Construction companies

Manufacturing companies

Maximum number of job openings are available in cities across the country

Will be updated

National Academy of Construction, NAC Grounds, Cyberabad, Hyderabad Telangana State, India - 500084,

Bharat Sevak Samaj National Development Agency, Promoted By Government of India

ITIs across India

Will be updated