
FPGA Designer, FPGA Programmer

Minimum Preferably BTech (Electronics/Computer Science)

Certified training for FPGA Design Engineer (programme aligned to ELE/Q8201 released by Electronics Sector Skills Council of India)

Not applicable

The tasks an FPGA Design Engineer is expected to perform include:

Developing architectural design

Editing, compiling and linking the program

Loading it into hardware and simulating the program

Completing approval procedures

Proficiency in advanced programming and design development procedures

Knowledge of Verilog, VHDL and other design and simulation soft wares

Familiar with steps involved in developing embedded systems with FPGA and a micro-processor and differences between the two

Proficiency with identification of the correct software to be used and relevant factors to be considered

Familiar with concept and functioning of logic and control gates, memory bits etc. Acquainted with basic wiring and circuit knowledge

Knowledge about relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice and their implications on the design

Proficiency in basic mechanical and structural engineering concepts

Knowledge about new product development and launch procedure

Not applicable

Good eyesight

Attention to detail

Team player

Problem solving skills

Logical thinking

Structured and organized

Flexible and adaptable

Good communication skills

It is a desk job

Work from home option is not available

Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities

Need to handle a team of programmers

Travelling is not part of this job role

Working hours

Working hours are for 5/6 days a week and 8/9 hours every day. This may vary from company to company

Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, the working hours and days will be flexible

Shift system may be available

Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?Maybe

This job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerous Occupational hazards include eye problems, back pain, etc.Health risks include exposure to computer screen,long sitting hours, etc.

For freshers ?INR14,000 toINR15,000 per month

For candidates with 1/2 yearsexperience -INR30,000 toINR40,000 per month

For candidates with over 2 yearsexperience ?INR50,000 toINR65,000 per month

(These figures are indicative and subject to change)

Uptrend in FPGA

The FPGA business is growing at a rapid pace and so is the technology. A bachelor?s degree in electronics, electrical or computer science and, of course, a good understanding of the topic is all it takes to launch your career in FPGA.

The job situation in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) has seen an uptrend in the last few years due to increase in their use in different areas.

FPGAs today come with high-speed interfaces and serial communication protocols. Since these are more capable technically, they allow users to develop complex products and designs that were not possible before. Application-specific integrated circuits are an alternative to FPGAs that were commonly used before. But not many markets can expect such high returns and hence more people opt to work on FPGAs instead. As a result, there has been a huge increase in job opportunities for FPGA Design Engineers.


Electronic hardware companies

Manufacturing companies

Communication & broadcasting companies

Maximum numbers of job openings are available in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Karnataka, Gurgaon, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and other metro cities.2

Will be updated

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, Tel: +91-1332-285235,285661,

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Dept.of Space, Govt.of India, Valiamala P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 547 Kerala, India

College of Engineering Trivandrum, Thiruvananthapuram. pin 695016, Kerala India,

Department of Computer Science, AIM & ACT, Banasthali Vidyapith, Tel: Phone+91 - 1438 - 228647/ 228648,

APIIT SD India, Near Toll Plaza, G. T. Road, Panipat, Haryana 132103, Tel: 1806532444,