Job Title: 


Alternate Titles: 

Caretaker,Janitor,Porter (college),Site manager (educational establishments)

Job Description: 

Caretakers supervise and undertake the care and maintenance of church, school, office and other buildings, their facilities, fixtures and contents.


No academic qualifications are required. Previous relevant experience may be needed, and training is provided in some areas. Background checks will be required for those whose job brings them into contact with children or vulnerable adults.
Refer The S/NVQ framework for more details


The simplified NS-SEC analytic class for this code is 6
The simplified NS-SEC operational category for this code is 12.2
Refer The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification for more details


  • locks and unlocks doors and entrances at appropriate times;
  • supervises and/or undertakes the cleaning and maintenance of premises;
  • controls heating, lighting and security systems;
  • undertakes minor repairs and notifies owner of need for major repairs;
  • checks fire and safety equipment for adequate functioning.
International Careers(ISCO):