0310-Armed forces occupations, other ranks

Job Title: 

Armed forces occupations, other ranks

Job Description: 

Armed forces occupations, other ranks include all conscripted and non-conscripted members of the armed forces except commissioned and non-commissioned officers. They perform specific military tasks and/or perform similar tasks to those performed in a variety of civilian occupations outside the armed forces.

Specific Occupations: 

Coxswain, navy/Aircrew woman, navy/Aircrewman, navy/Airman, air force/ Airwoman, air force/Bombardier/Commando, army/Corporal, air force/ Corporal, army/Armed forces, other ranks /Crewman, armoured fighting vehicle/Crewman, armoured personnel carrier/Crewman, tank/Crewwoman, armoured fighting vehicle/Crewwoman, armoured personnel carrier/Crewwoman, tank/Infantryman, army/Infantrywoman, army/Mortarman, army/Mortarwoman, army/Number, gun: army/Number, missile: army/Paratrooper/Recruit, defence forces/Rifleman/ Riflewoman/Sapper, army/Seaman, navy/Seawomen, navy/ Serviceperson, defence forces/Soldier/Soldier, infantry/Soldier, recruit/ Submariner, navy/Trooper

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PSCO-2450