2230-Traditional and complementary medicine professionals

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Traditional and complementary medicine professionals
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Traditional and complementary medicine professionals prevent, diagnose and treat illness, disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments and maintain general health in humans by applying knowledge, skills and practices acquired through extensive study of the theories, beliefs and experiences, originating in specific cultures

Main Tasks include -

  • (a) conducting physical examinations of patients and interviewing them and their families to determine their health status
  • (b) developing and implementing treatment plans for physical, mental and psychosocial ailments using applications such as acupuncture, ayurvedic, homoeopathic and herbal medicine
  • (c) evaluating and documenting patients' progress through treatment plans
  • (d) providing health, nutrition and lifestyle advice to individuals, families and communities
  • (e) prescribing and preparing traditional medicines, such as herbal, plant, mineral and animal extracts, to stimulate the body's capacity for self-healing
  • (f) exchanging information about patients with other health care workers as needed to ensure continuing and comprehensive health care
  • (g) conducting research into traditional and complementary medicines and treatments and disseminating findings such as through scientific papers and reports.

Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Acupuncturist
- Ayurvedic practitioner
- Chinese herbal medicine practitioner
- Homeopath
- Naturopath
- Unani practitioner


Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Herbalist - 3230
- Witch doctor - 3230
- Village healer - 3230
- Scraping and cupping therapist - 3230
- Acupressure therapist - 3255
- Shiatsu therapist - 3255
- Hydrotherapist - 3255
- Chiropracto

Careers (European Standards):